Tuesday, June 16, 2015

So You Want to Start a Business... (Part 1)

Well, here is what you need to do:

Before you even THINK about registering your business you NEED to go see an accountant. DO THAT RIGHT NOW! You might be thinking, but why? I haven't even started. I don't have anything to account for (see what I did there?) Trust me, an accountant's guidance is so crucial at this point in your businesses development.

During my first meeting with my accountant we discussed what kind of business made sense for me to own (LLC), how to register it, when I was going to have to pay taxes and how the amounts owed were calculated, and what percentage I was going to have to set aside for Federal/ State taxes AND my IRA. This first consultation meeting was FREE. We also discussed the best way to set up my books and whether I was going to do the book-keeping or not. There's no one way to organize a business and that includes the finances. It's important to find a professional that can help you set up that structure.

As mentioned before I decided against a sole proprietorship in favour for an LLC. To explain why here is an adorable video:

As explained above an LLC can protect you in case you ever find yourself faced with a lawsuit. Should that ever occur, chances are your accountant can then (if they haven't already) refer you to a reputable lawyer. 

OK! You have your homework assignment! Go find your accountant. If you live in the Richmond area I highly recommend Kimberly Dages.

Tune in next week when we will be discussing the paperwork you get to fill out! It's so much fun!!

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

When Nothing Goes as Planned.

Have you ever been stonked? It's not as fun as it sounds, believe me. My mother (a talented interior designer) and her partner (an architect who is now launching his awesome photography business) developed this phrase to describe that moment of utter disappointment and frustration when something just doesn't come through for you.

FOR EXAMPLE: You have completely researched through your state/ city government's website about what paperwork you need to bring to what buildings in order to walk away with your business license that day. You have confirmed this with multiple government employees.

After completing said paperwork to the best of your ability you march your cute butt down to the circuit court and city hall to complete the final steps and make the final payments. OR SO YOU THINK!

Beaming you lay all of your paperwork down in front of the only employee working in the finance department that day and he informs you that you have forgotten a form. Crestfallen you walk to the correct department to retrieve said form and after spending several hours downtown now, offices are beginning to close. Your dreams of walking away with a license that day are no longer realistic. Oh, and you have to walk multiple blocks back to your car in the pouring rain and hail in June because Richmond, VA that's why.

In my family we call that stonked. And it happens. A lot. Especially when it comes to legal paperwork.

Now, you can fully expect a blog post next Tuesday about what paperwork you are going to need to set up a business in the city of Richmond, VA but for today I want to talk about how to cope with these feelings of disappointment and frustration.

I think having a word to scream at the sky helps. When my fiancé looked at me and asked what was wrong I could look at him and recognize that NONE of this was my fault. I did my part! The universe just didn't cooperate and instead of having to explain exactly what had happened I could just tell him,"I got stonked." He empathetically nodded. It happens.

So here is what you do:

You eat/ drink some comfort food/beverage (fries/ tea/ cake etc…)
You watch this awesome TED talk by Elisabeth Gilbert (multiple times if necessary)

You detach and read a book or play a video game or do SOMETHING that relaxes you, that is just for play without any pressure or strings attached.

Then you get back to work. Tomorrow is a new day. You are one step closer today to accomplishing your goals than you were yesterday.

So rest assured, even if your goals take a little longer than expected they are still going to happen because you are a determined human being who has a dream.

Just keep swimming, folks.